
Welcome to Epura home,

Our mission is to pass on to you our passion for organization and minimalist decoration by giving you everything to make your spaces functional, refined and aesthetic. We want to help you create spaces that suit you and in which you feel good.

Our values ​​are authenticity, simplicity and harmony. We believe that one way to remain authentic is to create spaces in your image that resonate with your tastes and values. We are convinced that a simple and minimalist decor is a decor that lasts over time and in which you will feel good for a long time. The harmony between functionality and aesthetics is what guides the choice of products that we share with you.

Let me introduce myself, Lizanne, founder of Epura home. My passion for decoration is not new. Since I was very young, I have been interested in architecture, trends and the aesthetics of spaces. I have always attached great importance to my environment and what it consists of. It was only a little later, when I became a mother and bought my first house, that I understood the importance of organizing and optimizing spaces.

A few months ago, I embarked on the adventure of self-building my second house with my partner. My interest in space organization and decoration only grew stronger and the conviction that I wanted to make a career out of it was confirmed.

This is how Epura home was born, a combination of my passions for organization, decoration, entrepreneurship and customer service. The desire to share them and make it part of my daily life. Welcome to my world where elegance, style and simplicity reign!

Thank you for being there and we look forward to serving you!